

3 projects

20 bricks per project

5 AI breakdowns

Syncing across devices

Offline mode (soon)

Real human support

Discord community

Passwordless sign-in



Web (coming soon)

Download on the App Store button
A QR code to download Brick on the App Store



Web (coming soon)

Download on the App Store button
A combined screenshot showing Brick's main screen featuring 8 projects, a "Build a web app with no code" project being broken down, and a "Create a simple landing page" task with subtasks suggested by AI

Build even faster with Brick Stack

Everything in Free, plus:

Unlimited projects

Unlimited bricks per project

Find the Why with AI (soon)

Avoid mistakes with AI (soon)

Brick Stack



Unlimited projects

Unlimited bricks

30 AI uses

Brick Stack Plus



Unlimited projects

Unlimited bricks

150 AI uses


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